It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Healthiest Weight
Healthiest Weight at FDOH Alachua
- 352-334-8889
Mailing Address
224 SE 24th Street

The number one public health threat to Florida's future is unhealthy weight.
Currently, only 36% of Floridians are at healthy weight. On our current trend, by 2030, almost 60% will be obese. Additionally, six out of ten children born today will be obese by the time they graduate high school.
Over the next 20 years in Florida, obesity is expected to contribute to millions of cases of preventable chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer, costing an estimated $34 billion. To address this important public health issue, the Florida Department of Health launched the Healthiest Weight Florida initiative in January 2013.
Healthiest Weight Florida is a public-private collaboration bringing together state agencies, not for profit organizations, businesses, and entire communities to help Florida's children and adults make consistent, informed choices about healthy eating and active living.
The Florida Department of Health in Alachua County (DOH-Alachua) works with partners to implement the Alachua County Healthiest Weight Workplan, which is part of the Community Health Improvement Plan. Using evidence based interventions, the program works to move Florida toward achieving positive health outcomes.
Healthiest Weight engages 67 county health departments and numerous partners at the state and local levels to implement policy, systems, and environmental interventions that improve access to healthy foods and increase opportunities for physical activity.
Healthiest Weight is creating Healthy Places statewide by focusing interventions in: birthing facilities, early care and education centers, schools, worksites, communities, and health care settings.
Additional Information
FLHealth CHARTS State and County Profiles
FLHealth CHARTS is designed to support community health assessments, provide data for health and weight related research, and encourage communities to continue their efforts to improve nutrition and increase physical activity. To stay up-to-date on Florida's and Alachua County's profile, visit the Florida Healthiest Weight State Profile and the Florida Healthiest Weight County Profile on FLHealth CHARTS and select Alachua County.
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