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Business Responds to AIDS

Florida Department of Health in Alachua County

Florida's Business and Labor Respond to AIDS

In 2007, the Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade Office of HIV/AIDS implemented the “Stopping AIDS is Everyone’s Business” campaign.

Miami-Dade County was one of six cities that participated in local Business/Labor Responds to AIDS Projects. The yearlong campaign was very successful within targeted neighborhoods throughout Miami-Dade County. Due to the success that DOH-Miami-Dade had with implementing the “Stopping AIDS is Everyone’s Business” campaign, the Bureau of HIV/AIDS will began replicating the project statewide.

Started in 1992, BRTA/LRTA engages and supports the private sector in promoting HIV education, awareness, and policies in the workplace. The program has evolved over the years into a public/private partnership that promotes both the involvement of business and labor in HIV prevention; and provides tools and technical assistance to build the expertise and capacity of health departments to engage business and labor for HIV prevention. Local BRTA/LRTA projects develop partnerships between health departments, city business and labor leaders, and neighborhood merchants.

The goals of the projects are to:

  • increase community awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS
  • motivate residents in high prevalence neighborhoods to get tested and seek
  • prevention treatment and care
  • increase the number of persons who know their HIV status and are linked to
  • appropriate prevention and care services

It is a recognized fact that community business leaders have tremendous influence within their communities. BRTA/LRTA allows health departments to utilize these relationships in their HIV prevention efforts. The Florida Department of Health, Bureau of HIV/AIDS recognizes the influential roles that you play in your communities.

We are asking for your support of our new “STOP AIDS: It’s Everyone’s Business” statewide Business and Labor Responds to AIDS project. Businesses are essential partners in the response to AIDS, and you can make a huge difference in reducing the stigma and complacency about the need for HIV prevention. You are in a unique position to respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic because you have relationships with employers, customers, and the local business communities. These relationships allow HIV prevention messages to become a part of your communities’ environment.

STOP AIDS: It's Everyone's Business

It is recognized that community business leaders have tremendous influence within their communities. BRTA/LRTA allows health departments to utilize these relationships in their HIV prevention efforts. HIV/AIDS affects us all, but many people are uninformed or misinformed about the nature of HIV/AIDS and how to prevent the spread of the disease. Stigma and silence about the disease helps to fuel the epidemic.

The key to stopping the spread of HIV is to break the silence around the disease. We must begin talking about HIV/AIDS where we live, work, play, and worship. Having conversations about HIV/AIDS allows for opportunities for raising awareness and educating communities on how they can protect themselves from HIV.

As a business leader in your community, you can help start the conversations where people work and play. You have the opportunity to impact the lives of members of your community by simply supporting HIV prevention efforts.

How Does It Work?

Merchants located in neighborhoods with high HIV/AIDS prevalence are asked to:

  • Display and distribute free HIV/AIDS point-of-purchase materials to their customers. Materials include grocery bags, dry cleaner bags, posters, postcards, beverage sleeves, and window decals.
  • Discuss HIV/AIDS awareness with their employees, customers, and peers.
  • Encourage other neighborhood businesses to share HIV prevention information with their employees, customers, and peers.

What Can My Business Expect From Participating in the Business Responds to AIDS?

If you choose to participate in the Stop AIDS: It’s Everyone’s Business project, you can expect to receive the following:

  • Six months free supply of point-of-purchase materials
  • Basic HIV/AIDS 101 training for your employees and customers
  • Free HIV/AIDS information and resources
  • Your business and participation will be highlighted in press releases and newspaper ads
  • Recognition as a supporter of STOP AIDS: It’s Everyone’s Business
  • Discounted prices on point-of-purchase materials

How Can My Business Support Florida's Business Responds to AIDS?

BRTA can not exist without the support of your business. You provide the direct link to the community. You can help to support the efforts of BRTA by choosing to participate in three ways:


  • Business agrees with project goals and signs business commitment letter
  • Business agrees to display project logo and print material


  • Business agrees with project goals and signs business commitment letter
  • Business agrees to display project logo and print material
  • Business distributes project materials and point-of-purchase materials
  • Business agrees to talk to customers and/or employees about HIV/AIDS


  • Business agrees with project goals and signs business commitment letter
  • Business agrees to display project logo and print material
  • Business distributes project materials and point-of-purchase materials
  • Business agrees to talk to customers and/or employees about HIV/AIDS
  • Business participates and/or supports health department sponsored HIV/AIDS events and activities

Is Your Business Prepared?

To stop the spread of HIV in your community your business has the ability to:

  • Break the silence around HIV by providing opportunities for education and awareness to employees, their families, and customers
  • Help change community perceptions about HIV/AIDS by supporting HIV prevention activities in your community
  • Motivate community members to seek HIV testing
  • Encourage employees, their family members, and customers to engage in healthy behaviors
  • Provide customers a link to HIV prevention programs and testing services within your community

Download the Business Responds to AIDS brochure


Florida HIV/AIDS Hotline

Provides supportive telephone counseling and community referrals on HIV/AIDS related information.
1-800-352-2437 (English)
1-800-545-7432 (Spanish)
1-800-243-7101 (Haitian Creole)
1-888-503-7118 (deaf)