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313HIV Marion

Florida Department of Health in Alachua County


DOH Marion:  352-629-0137 ext 2153 or 2032 or 2076

Business Responds to AIDS Partners 

The business partners that have signed on to fight the AIDS epidemic are listed below. They have information and condoms available.

Big Wheels Country KitchenWillie Thompson1224 W Silver Springs BlvdOcala352.694.1478
K and S SeafoodWillie Thompson1224 W Silver Springs BlvdOcala352.867.1477
Cafe Havana 923 N Magnolia Ave, Suite 300Ocala352.351.4853
Uncle El's SeafoodMary Washington2008 W Silver Springs BlvdOcala352.622.4245
Essence of BeautyGwen Crosky170 SW 20th AveOcala352.732.0508
Magnolia Coin LaundryOrlando923 North Magnolia AveOcala352.433.2221
Fashion Cuts2Adrian Jones2103 N. MagnoliaOcala352-207-0793
J and T McCullough's SalonTanya McCullough1675 NW Silver Springs BlvdOcala352.351.0333
Beyond the Wall OutreachLaressa Scott1515 NE 22nd AveOcala352.789.6565
Fashion CutsHerman Jones837 NW Martin Luther King AveOcala352.671.5387
Mary's Dry CleanersMary Washington2004 W Silver Springs BlvdOcala352.351.4248