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Support Groups

Florida Department of Health in Alachua County

Florida HIV/AIDS Hotline 

As of October 1st, the Florida HIV/AIDS Hotline is offering anonymous & confidential online chatting with a certified HIV/AIDS counselor on the hotline website. The chatting feature is an additional option that visitors can utilize if they do not feel comfortable calling the hotline. To initiate the chatting feature go to and click on the gray "We're available!" button in the lower right hand corner. The chatting feature will be available during regular hotline hours. The Florida HIV/AIDS hotline is open Monday-Friday 8am-9pm, and on Saturdays from 10:30am-6:30pm. The four hotline numbers available are:

1-800-FLA-AIDS (352-2437) ENGLISH
1-800-545-SIDA (545-7432) SPANISH
1-800-AIDS-101 (243-7101) HAITIAN CREOLE

The website also has a wealth of information on HIV/AIDS. Certified HIV/AIDS counselors can also be reached via email at: The online resource directory can be accessed at: and provides contact information for organizations, companies and other groups that offer HIV/AIDS services statewide. Contacting the HIV/AIDS hotline via telephone, email, or online chatting is confidential with the option of being anonymous. Visitors do not have to give any personal information if they do not want to.

PEP Club - Positives Empowering Positives 

Contact: Marvene Edwards 352-334-7900

Date/Time: Meeting Held Every LAST Friday of Each Month, 11am-1pm

Location: Catholic Charities, 1701 NE 9th St, Gainesville, FL 32609


Date/Time: Every 2nd Tuesday of Every Month, 6pm-8pm (NO meetings in November and December)

Location: Day Spring Missionary Baptist Church, 1945 NE 8th Ave, Gainesville